Harget Writer Training - Harget

Harget Writer Training


Harget Admin

Reviews 5.00 (1 Reviews)

Course Overview

Course Content

  • Intro
    • ''IMPORTANT''(New Writers) - Before Watching The Training Material

  • The Basics
    • About this Course - WCM

    • 1 What Readers ACTUALLY Want...and HOW to give it to them.

    • 2 Value- If You Don't Give Readers This, They Will Bounce

    • 3 Value- Two Simple Ways to Instantly Write Quality Content

    • 4 Value- Thinking this way changes EVERYTHING

    • 5 Value- Web Content Should Look Like This But Usually Doesn't

    • 6 Value- Adding Details (And Thinking Like a 5th Grade Student)

    • 7 Value- Value Hacks Part 1 (Analogies)

    • 8 Value- Value Hacks Part 2

    • 9 Value- Hacks for Making Content Fun and Engaging

    • 10 Value- Tl;DR

    • 11 Formatting- We're All Just Lazy Brains Walking Around

    • 12 Formatting- How to Format for Maximum Readability

    • 13 Formatting- Some Easy Hacks and Fun Game I Invented (Kind of...)

    • 14 Formatting- TL;DR

    • 15 Tone- Your Tone of Voice Matters Way More Than You Think

    • 16 Tone- Stop Making These Mistakes (And Start Doing This Instead!)

    • 17 Tone- How to Write Better (Pretend You Aren't Writing)

    • 18 Tone- TL;DR

  • Research
    • 1 Research- The Easiest Competitive Advantage

    • 2 Research- The Answers Are Already There (You Just Aren't Looking the Right Way)

    • 3 Research- Getting a Window Into the Mind of Your Reader

    • 4 Research- How to Make a Quick and Easy Outline

    • 5 Research- the #1 Research Tool in Existence (Why is Nobody Using It-)

    • 6 Research- TL;DR

  • Writing
    • 1 Writing- The Power of Writing Targeted, Concise, and Powerful Copy

    • 2 Intros- Your Article Lives and Dies by its Intro (Most Die)

    • 3 Intro- My #1 Tip for Writing Intros (Most Articles Get This WRONG)

    • 4 Intros- Tony Soprano Teaches You the Finer Points of Intro Writing

    • 5 Intros- Truth Bomb - Intros Are NOT For Introducing a Topic

    • 6 Intros- This One Intro Formula Can Drastically Improve Engagement

    • 7 Intros- TL;DR

    • 8 Concise Writing- The Power of Powerful Writing

    • 8 Concise Writing- Writing Concisely is Simple (Literally!)

    • 9 Concise Writing- The Secrets to Writing Simply

    • 10 Concise Writing- Power Writing Hacks Part 1

    • 11 Concise Writing- Power Writing Hacks Part 2

    • 12 Concise Writing- My #1 Power Cheat Code - This Will Change Everything

    • 13 Concise Writing- TL;DR

    • 14 SEO Title- SEO Titles Matter a LOT MORE Than You Think

    • 15 SEO Title- My 3-Step Process for Optimizing Your Title

    • 16 SEO Title- The Mystery Technique

    • 17 Content Markup- Make Your Content Way More Fun and Engaging

  • Wrap Up
    • Course Wrap Up

  • Affiliate Copywriting Masterclass
    • 1 Intro- What you know about affiliate reviews is wrong. Here's Why

    • 2 Copywriting 101- Why Do Some Articles Convert Better Than Others, Even When They're Selling the Same Products

    • 3 Copywriting 101- Your Products Are An Illusion - Web Copy Masterclass

    • 4 Copywriting 101- Going a Level Deeper

    • 5 Positioning 101- A Simple Way to Convince Your Reader to Buy

    • 6 Apple iPad Case Study- A Tour De Force in Superlatives

    • 7 How to Use Superlatives Even if You Can't Use Superlatives

    • 8 Affiliate Copywriting- TL;DR

    • 9 BONUS- Telling a Story to Increase Conversions

  • WCM Course Bonus Docs
    • 10 example articles

    • A Quick Guide to Speed Rewriting_edited

    • Awesome Intros (COPY THESE)

    • Copy of The Ultimate Perfect Article Checklist

  • More Important Spices...
    • This is how the Intro should be like

    • 1. Getting the Visitor to Stay on Your Page

    • 2. Getting the Visitor To Keep Reading Until They Get to Your CTAs

    • 3. Setting Up Your CTAs with Conversion-friendly Content

    • 4. Sub-headings

    • 5. Sub Topic Coverage

    • 10.1. Natural Language Processing (NLP) Optimization

    • 10.2. Test #1- How to Beat Google with NLP

  1. 5

    Udayamali kuruppu

    It was very insightful

  • Lessons 66
  • Enrolled 49
  • Skill Experts
  • Last Update August 5, 2023